Wednesday, December 10, 2008

FUCK FINALS. fuck 'em.

its been a long week already. and its only wednesday.
But, for how stressed out i've been/ should be, i know i'm going to be fine. Today i finished up my Visual Communications final . We had to come up with a product and create packaging, a Web Design and Andvertisement. I decided to create 'Stache Sicles, which are like mustache-shaped Ice Cream bars. I bought a molding kit so i can actually make them but i really dont have time. but heres some of the work i did. I just finished sloppily assembling the box , but i think it came out alright reguardless.

hand-drawn recycle symbol haha i go to art school.
technically they are zero calories. HAAY

i thought this was the best stache packaging, it was also the first one i made

Nina Goffi is the greatest! i love the pictures. she even made them rainboww!!

in terms of my other finals I'm working on,

- Sculpture, making a thumbprint in relief by nailing pins to a large piece of plywood and wrapping cassette tape around them to form the shape. Out theme/concept is music, so ill bullshit something to explain my idea later. its quite tedious but i think its goung to come out pretty well.

-Relief/Monotype- i just have to make and print two collographs which should be too bad. i basically have to create plates with different shapes/ textures on them and print from those, like printing a collage basically.

-Concepts/Works on Paper- final plate, my theme is growth and i have this creepy idea to make a flower out of hands, we will see how that goes.

i took my women artists final, and ruled! i was quite suprised with myself. although i was acting pretty cool i was kind of freaking out inside. i did not do well in that class and hopefully that and my extra credit paper saved my ass. Tommorrow i have to write a 8 page paper for Observing Humans. I'm pretty confident i can do it but i also have to finish my final sketch and start carving my plate for my concepts class, and fix my book :/

Luckily, this will be an awesome weekend. i just have to finish up the afforementioned work and im golden. parties galore, lots of celebrating for the end of first semester. I'm especially excited for the Wine & Cheese/ Colt 45 & Cheez-it we are gonna have at out house. it will be good to be surrounded by all my friends again at once! i miss em all school is so draining.

I'm heading back to LA the 20th and im so stoked and scared at the same time. i know im going to have a blast, i just hope i dont get too comfortable again. thats always the hardest part. i hope i can make some money, see some friends, and be crafty-- doing all the projects ive been wanting to do but havent had the time for. :)

Happy Holidays Chitlins!
love you all!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This was my thanksgiving break..

give or take some fried chicken, cookies, BBQ nachos, and OH YEAH thanksgiving! haha

being at my sisters in Memphis was great. I had such a good time hanging out with her, and Brandon and my new nephew HUEY!! (the doggy) I don't have much creative stuff to show you, besides the start of a scarf, because besides the craziness of my finals being next week and a huge list of things to do, i have a secret Christmas present projects to work on so i cant show them till later, sadly. But all in all i had a good break, very relaxing besides the fact that i think i have an allergic reaction to sometthing?? (notice the blotchies) :(

it was good to come back to philly